Then the LORD reached out and touched my mouth and said,
“Look, I have put my words in your mouth!”
~ Jeremiah 1:9
My Dearest Royal Siblings, I have great news for you: As DaddyGod did for our Royal Brother Jeremiah during Old Testament times, He has also bestowed upon us His same “lip service” blessing today – Our Heavenly Father has graciously touched our lips with His unconditional love, healing, inspiration and power! We, the Sons and Daughters of God, immediately move mountains when we speak!
Upon receiving salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our anointed lips became an audible pen of a ready writer empowered to create something brand spanking new; to speak life into a dead situation; and to perform miracles through our lips. Abba’s children are easily recognizable whether our mouths are opened or closed, but when our influential mouths open freely to speak the words of our omnipotent God, inspirational healing pours onto all who are present to hear what we have to lovingly and wisely say.
The mouth of the godly person gives wise advice,
~ Proverbs 10:31
Obtaining wisdom, a garment of beauty for Believers, is not only for the purpose of making us a wise people, but as importantly, for sharing Abba’s wisdom with others. The world is troubled and seeking answers. We surely need to be wise and willing enough to provide them with wise answers when a person in need comes knocking at our door. The nearer we draw as child to Abba to obtain the nurturing of His wisdom, the more we’ll have to speak out of our mouths to others.
The lips of the godly speak helpful words,
but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverse words.
~ Proverbs 10:32
At times, mankind can be very chatty with a superfluous of meaningless words especially when God is not truly the Head of our lives nor the center of our joy. You know what I mean – we have one foot in the world and one in the church (I’m ashamed to admit it, but this used to be me before I yielded myself to a true relationship with my God). Without Him, we are depleted of spiritual health or life to sustain ourselves or to help somebody else. Drawing from the rivers of His living waters by being in the presence of God provides the stream from which flows loving, inspirational and healing words that can win the world to Jesus Christ as well as provide us successful living here on earth until He, the Messiah, returns.
And the LORD spoke kind and comforting words
to the angel who talked with me.
~ Zechariah 1:13
Your sensitive, yet “royal” ears deserve to be fed with life-giving messages. Therefore, be sure to surround yourself with those who are speaking Truth and life into your spirit. Likewise, make a conscious decision to be the lips others want and need to hear from. As the Bible says, you know a righteous tree by its abundant fruit. A genuine child of God is not speaking negativity, gossip or malice to or towards another; nor are they acting like an unkind child who doesn’t speak to another. We, the mature Sons and Daughters of God, have the heart and manners of our DaddyGod that is ministry to the (spiritually) lost within itself when exemplified. The fruitful spirit of our Lord is always in our hearts, demonstrated through our lives, and again, flowing from our anointed lips!
“DaddyGod, reach out, touch and speak through my lips today!”
~ The Sons & Daughters of God
May each of us open our inspirational mouths today to bring life to death, healing to disease and joy to sadness. Someone by faith has prayed and is believing our God for their healing, which by the way, may just be divinely assigned by DaddyGod to come through you.
Surely indeed my Royal Sibling, your lips are full of healing as well as flowing with abundant love to speak as DaddyGod has already spoken in heaven as it is in earth! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
Loving Abba & You Always,
Your Royal Kingdom Sister Darnella
P.S. My Royal Kingdom Sisters, you can now declare your Royal Identity along with me by stepping out in encrusted logo fashion with one of The DsOC’s Bling T-Shirts ($35 US). Click here to order.
P.S. Registration for my upcoming annual gathering of Sons & Daughters of Christ or Gospel Concert Banquet ticket purchase for Saturday evening, April 27, 2013 is open until April 15th . If you’re unable to join us, consider sowing a financial seed to sponsor someone else. Click here.